Dawesville Cut dolphin mourns death of calf

Friday, 1 March 2024 10:09

By Monique Welhan

Wild Turkey and her dolphin calf. PIC: Estuary Guardians Mandurah

A dolphin regularly seen in the Dawesville Cut is mourning the death of her calf after been spotted pushing the deceased newborn around.

The dolphin, named Wild Turkey, was often seen with other mother's before becoming a mum herself recently.

"Dolphins have a high mortality rate in calves, especially in first borns. We are hopeful that she will become a mum again in the years to come," Estuary Guardians Mandurah posted on social media.

"At the moment she is grieving the loss of her newborn calf, seen on her own with the calf. Dolphins can mourn the loss of their calf for days. It is important she is left alone and given the space to do this until she is ready to finally let go."

Estuary Guardians Mandurah is asking anyone who sees Wild Turkey still with her calf to get in contact with them via Facebook.

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